
25 April 2010


It's 11:30 in the evening and i'm sitting here at Sacred Heart with Saskia while Kirk and Jacky go to pick up Saskia's mom at the airport. She looks beutiful, her color looks great, she has a breathing tube in, but when she wakes up enough she try's to pull it out. She still has a long road ahead, but she is doing good now. Thank you Lord for saving her soul!!!!! thank you all for praying!!!!

20 April 2010

Women have hackles too!

So, i get a call from a women that Dan is working for in Spokane. I have never met her, dont know if she's married or not. (like that matter's these day's) And she says to me: do you happen to know what Dan likes to drink with his dinner? because he is working soooo hard over there and he must be starving to death, so we (the other secretary) are going to bring him dinner. My hackles went up and i was ready to fight! (yes even for Dan).

06 April 2010

Uncle Mike

Ok, i find out through facebook that Uncle Mike has a cat scan today, they fear cancer. I am so worried im sick, i have been praying. Uncle mike is the only father figure i'v ever had, and i love him soo much!! Please pray for him.

05 April 2010

family time!

We spent Easter Sunday hiking above our property. Dan's idea!!

03 April 2010

Youth Congress

The youth congress this year went great! We had seven teens go, that's a lot compared to the one that we have had for a while. (sorry for taking you for granted Ben)

Pastor preached it this year and let me say first of all he is my favorite preacher, especially when he is preaching at another church, it was a great sermon, exactly what we all needed!

Saskia was there, and she is not saved nor did she get saved that i know of, i prayed and prayed for liberty to talk to her about salvation, but it never came, she is on my heart and mind almost constantly lately. God is working and we are praying!!

On the way home we witnessed a accident on the freeway, it was right in front of us at 70 mph, it was God's grace that we weren't involved! But it scared the kids, and with all the salvation preachin i cant help but think that it made Saskia think about her soul.

Here are a few pics of the youth congress.

enough time

We never have enough time it seems these days!

I would buy extra if i could.

We are so busy with work and CDA rent a space and the property and the ministry, all of which i love (except cda rent a space) but i feel like the most important things are left for the " if we have time" category.

I took the kids to the park, but it wore me out and i wasnt real fun to be around.

I did the girls hair for Easter, but it was a big job,

just to have them both rip it out an hour later

I dont know how you mom's do it that have 6 girls,

(not mentioning any names)

I really want to be a good steward of my time.